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Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence: Berger Recognizes 5 Unique Architectures of Excellence

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, the 10th cycle awarding ceremony of Berger Award for Excellence in Architecture was held at a hotel in the capital.

উৎকর্ষের ২০ বছর উদযাপন: উৎকর্ষে অনন্য ৫টি স্থাপত্যকে স্বীকৃতি দিলো বার্জার 1

5 architectural projects were awarded in recognition of innovation and outstanding excellence in presentation. Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited (BPBL) Managing Director Rupali Chowdhury, Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB) President Architect Prof. Dr. Khandaker Sabbir Ahmed, BPBL Chief Sales and Marketing Officer Mohsin Habib Chowdhury and Berger Award Director for the 10th edition of Berger Award for Excellence in Architecture 2022 Architect Kazi M Arif along with senior Berger officials, award committee members, jury members, eminent architects and others involved in the construction sector of the country. Professionals.

This award was started in 2003 as the first 'Berger Young Architect Award'. It was later renamed the Berger Award for Excellence in Architecture (BAA) by expanding the scope of the award to create wider opportunities for accomplished and emerging architects. Berger celebrates 20 years of this prestigious award with this edition of the award. Berger and the IAB jointly invited projects to develop new possibilities under the 'open category' to further specialize the award.

Architect Kazi M Arif served as the Award Director in the 10th cycle of the Berger Award for Excellence in Architecture 2022. In addition, the architect Dr. served as the Deputy Award Director. Masood Ur Rashid and Architect Moushumi Ahmed. The members of the jury panel are - Architect Naushad Ehsanul Haque, Architect Nishat Afroz, Architect SM Nazim Uddin, Architect Duangrit Bunnag from Thailand and famous sculptor Prof. Hamiduzzaman Khan. The permanent trophy of the BAA Award was designed by Prof. Hamiduzzaman Khan.

5 projects selected through a two-stage review are awarded at the discretion of the jury. The winners are - Nir'a Vacation House by architect Zeeshan Fuad Chowdhury (Janus Architects); Forest House (A Forest Retreat) by architect Md Ishtiaq Zahir (Vitti Sthapati Brind Limited); And Architect Khan Md. Rangs Babylonia by Mustafa Khalid (Vistara Architects (Pvt.) Ltd.). The Statesman by architect Shahla Karim Kabir of Studio Morphogenesis Limited and architect Shubhra Shobhan Chowdhury; And Charcha Sthapatijog's Hydropod Integrated Water Harvesting and Playscape Facilities in Hill Tracts by Architect Rumman Mashroor Chowdhury and Architect Shubhra Das received Commendation.

At the same time, the Berger Lifetime Achievement Award was presented posthumously to architect Mobaswer Hossain in recognition of his lifetime of excellence and contribution to the field of architecture. Famous architect, heroic freedom fighter and social analyst Mobaswer Hossain gained fame beyond the borders of the country and abroad through his outstanding work.

In this regard, Rupali Chowdhury, Managing Director of Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited (BPBL), said, “We are celebrating 20 years of journey through this year's Berger Awards. Berger has been playing a role in recognizing the contribution and efforts of accomplished and emerging architects for many years. Berger will continue to work tirelessly to recognize excellence through this award in the days ahead.”

Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB) President Architect Professor Dr. Khandaker Sabbir Ahmed said, “The Berger Award for Excellence in Architecture is the only award given to encourage architects and others involved in the field. For the past 20 years, this award has been encouraging the promising talent, good and outstanding work of this sector, which has already turned into a milestone.”

It should be noted that the Berger Award for Excellence in Architecture (BAEA) is being given in collaboration with the Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB) to recognize outstanding work in the field of architecture.

It is also recognized as a very prestigious award in the architectural profession of Bangladesh. This award enriches the scope of possibilities of the country's architects and inspires them to move forward. News bulletins.

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# Follow the rules and use mask when going out for emergency.
# three-layer cloth mask can be washed if desired.
# wash clothes after coming home from outside. Or hang it without shaking for at least four hours.
# Wash hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) with soap or liquid before coming outside.
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# Wear PPE made of cloth or clean as described.
# Use a head cap that completely covers the hair.
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