The Dhaka Times
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4 months alive in snow-covered Andes!

The Dhaka Times Desk Recorded an individual surviving 4 months in ice-covered Andes. He was rescued after 4 long months.


According to the BBC news, the record of the previous incident was 72 days. But this time a man from Uruguay lived in the snow on the top of the Andes Mountains for almost 4 months. The height of the peak is about 4,500 meters above sea level. He had to eat even rats to survive there for a long time. The 58-year-old man's name is Raul Fernando Gomez Sarcunegui. He was rescued by a government official in Argentina's northwestern province of San Juan on September 8.

It is known that Gomez traveled from Chile to Argentina on a motorcycle last May. But after reaching the Andes Mountains, his motorcycle broke down in a blizzard. Decided to cross on foot. But the intensity of the storm was so great that that plan was ruined. At the end, he spent the day in a shelter on the summit. At first, he continued with some food available in that center for a few days. But once that food also ends. He then ate whatever he could find to survive. Among them were rats!

Last September 8, his luck opened. On that day, a San Juan government official landed next to the shelter in a helicopter to measure the amount of snow. Later, Gomez returned to San Juan in the same helicopter. Now he is under treatment in hospital. However, the doctors of that hospital said that he will recover completely soon.

Upon his return, the governor of San Juan, José Luis, tried to understand Gómez's feelings. Asked Gomez, "Do you believe in God?" Gomez replied, "I didn't before, I do now."

Note that in 1972, a plane carrying Uruguayan rugby players crashed in the same mountains. 16 out of 45 passengers survived in that incident. They all survived 72 days in sub-freezing temperatures. That was the last recorded survival in the ice. This time Raul Fernando Gomez set a new record. Source: Online.

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