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A small child discovered the fingerprint security flaw of the iPhone 5S!

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple recently announced a special fingerprint and scanner security system for their iPhone 5S smartphone. In the meantime, a small child has discovered the vulnerability of Apple's fingerprint security. Is it even possible?


Apple has finally incorporated the fingerprint technology in their iPhone 5S after a long study keeping in mind all the flaws. But recently RedditThe picture that was posted shows the little child unlocking the iPhone by putting his father's thumb on the home button of the iPhone! The child's father was asleep at the time of the incident.

But the iPhone's current integrated fingerprint technology is so powerful that it will not only unlock with a fingerprint, but its scanner technology will also ensure that the owner is unlocking the iPhone even while sleeping. If he is asleep, the iPhone will not unlock!

Meanwhile, the image that was posted on Reddit was written, the security system of the new iPhone 5S is not only fingerprint, it has unmatched security system, so that no one can easily steal information from iPhone 5S.

Source: The TechJournal

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