The Dhaka Times
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Delhi rape verdict 4 people hanged

The Dhaka Times Desk The court of Delhi has hanged 4 people in the judgment of the punishment of the rapist of the much talked about medical student of Delhi. This verdict was announced on Friday.

Protesters hold a sign as they participate in a demonstration to mourn the death of a rape victim, who was assaulted in New Delhi, in Mumbai

The verdict was announced in a crowded Delhi court today. The court ordered the execution of 4 people accused in the verdict. The accused are Mukesh Singh, Akshay Thakur, Pawan Gupta and Dinesh Sharma. However, their lawyer said to go to the high court.

Earlier on Wednesday, the judge heard the arguments and counter-arguments of the lawyers for the plaintiff and the defendant in the court on the term of punishment. After the hearing, the judge adjourned the verdict. He said that the judgment will be announced at 2.30 pm on Friday. Delhi Police lawyer Dayan Krishnan pleaded that the four convicts be hanged for the heinous crime.

It may be noted that Mukesh Singh, Akshay Thakur, Pawan Gupta and Dinesh Sharma were found guilty of murdering a 23-year-old medical student in a moving bus in December last year. In this incident, the movement started all over India. India erupted in demand for the execution of the accused. The recent rise in rape cases in India has sparked a storm of criticism across the world.

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