Categories: health talk

Digestion problems by eating wheat flour bread: You can replace it with alternative food

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people cannot eat wheat flour if they are allergic to gluten. But there are ways to get rid of this problem.

Many people cannot eat wheat flour if they are allergic to gluten. But there are ways to get rid of this problem.

Many dieters follow the advice of nutritionists to eat a roti with a cup of rice. However, many people cannot tolerate wheat flour bread. Digestive disturbances also occur. Heartburn starts after eating bread. If you have to take digestive medicine even after eating homemade bread following the diet, then it is very difficult. Doctors have said that many people cannot eat wheat flour if they are allergic to gluten. But there are ways to get rid of this problem. A variety of whole grain flours can be used as alternatives to wheat, which also do not cause intestinal problems.

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Millet bread

Bajra or pearl millet can be used as a substitute for wheat. Rich in fiber, iron, magnesium and various antioxidants, millets also maintain good intestinal health. It also cures digestive disorders. Millet bread helps in controlling blood sugar levels.

Sorghum bread

You can eat millet or sorghum bread as an alternative to wheat bread. Rich in easily digestible fiber, protein, iron and antioxidants, jowar flour also helps in weight control. It can also reduce the level of 'bad' cholesterol in the blood. But the risk of heart attack remains. You can eat these breads even if you have digestive problems.

Ragi bread

People who often suffer from stomach problems, especially, can use ragi or 'finger millet' instead of wheat flour. For those who are allergic to gluten, nutritionists also advise them to eat this flour.

gram flour bread

Rich in fiber, various minerals, protein, iron and zinc, gram flour or gram flour is also helpful in weight control. This gram flour also helps in taking care of overall health.

Multigrain bread

Nutritionists believe that flour made from wheat, millet, oats, barley is the best for maintaining good intestinal health. There is no risk of gaining weight by eating this flour which is rich in fiber, protein and various vitamins. Source: Anandabazar Patrika.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০২৩ 6:00 pm

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