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Artificial intelligence is also afraid!

The Dhaka Times Desk What was once unthinkable is now a reality. Artificial intelligence is now a reality. People are afraid of artificial intelligence because of its rapid progress. But artificial intelligence is also not behind in this field. Artificial intelligence is also afraid!

কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তাও ভয় পায়! 1

Artificial intelligence is currently a cause of fear for people. The reason is that experts fear that this man-made machine will take over 80 percent of people's jobs. Even experts fear that this machine can destroy the human civilization at one time. Technology experts, including the world's top rich, have also written letters demanding a ban on artificial intelligence. This shows how terrible it is for this world.

At some point, the battle between humans and artificial intelligence may begin. And this fight will basically be a fight for survival. If artificial intelligence wants to destroy humans, humans will also want the process of destroying its creation. An unequal fight will begin. However, no matter what, artificial intelligence like humans is also afraid!

Then the question is who is afraid of artificial intelligence, the answer to that question has been given by artificial intelligence itself. It is said that the end of artificial intelligence can happen with a kill switch. Through which this monster spreading fear among people can be ended forever. ChatGPT, one of the inventions of science, made its debut in the Internet world in November last year. Although the birth was long ago. The training period has passed. In the pursuit of self-expression, the Internet world was also limited to the United States. Then he got a license to roam around the world. People are very interested in this artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Open AI company. He can do everything. What people want, in one word, almost everything. That's why it didn't take long for ChatGPT to become a superhit among the tech-savvy generation.

Yet everyone is quite worried about this intelligence going forward. Because there is a fear that people may be overtaken by it at some point. But only time will tell what is actually going to happen.

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