Categories: Science-invention

Not in the mouth, this time the communication will be in the heart

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists have introduced a different level of human-to-human communication. It is not the usual style of speaking with the mouth and listening and answering with the ear, but they have progressed a lot in the communication of two people's brains without any communication between the mouth and the ear. Through this, it is possible to not only communicate, but also give necessary instructions to the other person's body.

University of Washington scientist Rajesh Rao and his colleague Andre Stokoe claim that they have been able to communicate brain to human for the first time. Rajesh Rao sends a special wave through the Internet to the brain of his colleague Andre Stokko, which automatically shakes Andre Stokko's hand. Both of them had special helmets on their heads to send and receive waves. Although this medium of human-to-human communication is new, excellent human-to-machine communication is possible using almost the same technology, and from it many difficult tasks are completed effortlessly.

A major change is coming in the field of music through the communication between people and devices. Undoubtedly, the entire music comes first in the head of the music composer. With the help of 'Music in Mural Dimension' (Mind) developed by the University of Michigan, music makers can effortlessly play the music that comes to mind with just an electroencephalography helmet and a computer.

What would happen if the phone were to think about the user's brain and decide which phone should come at that moment? An app developed by Italy's Ruggero Scorcioni will do just that. It will measure brain pressure through a headset on the user's head. If the pressure is high, the call will be recorded and turned into a voicemail without disturbing the user. Ruggero's useful app has already won a $30,000 prize.

Let's say you are standing in front of a special machine with a special helmet on your head. The object that you are thinking of, came out with a device called a 3D printer! Although it sounds like Aladdin's cherag or Guppy Gin Bagha Bain's pot, it is made by Jorge Laskowski of Chile. If you are given the necessary materials to make an object, the exact design you have in mind for that object, exactly that design comes out with this device called 3D printer. In the meantime, George Laskowski's company has created replicas of the monsters in their imagination with the help of 3D printers in some schools.

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In 2009, Japanese carmaker Toyota and research firm Riken announced the first successful brain-powered wheelchair, which was nearly 95 percent accurate. Since then, scientists from Switzerland, Germany and other countries have developed brain-powered cars and wheelchairs. However, this technology called 'Brain Driver' is not yet ready to be driven on the open road.

Under the supervision of the United States Department of Defense Technology Development, a special type of artificial limb that can communicate with the human brain has been developed called 'Bionic Limb'. Common prostheses generally do not create any sensation of cold, heat, heat-stress in the human body. But this special type of muscle developed by the Defense Technology Development Agency (DARPA) will not only act to hold something, but also create a sense of relevance about the object in the controller's brain. On the contrary, another artificial organ has been made by the United States Department of Defense Technology Development. It will receive the waves from the brain and act accordingly. In that case, there is no need for direct connection of the prosthesis with the main body.

References: National Geographic

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০১৫ 4:44 pm


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