The Dhaka Times Desk Guinness Book of World The smallest car in the world took this place. Small in size and fuel efficient, the car has also received the road legality certificate.
The car was designed by Austin Coulson, a Texas-based carmaker in America. The car measures 25 inches (63.5 cm) in height, 25.75 inches (65.41 cm) in width and just 49.75 inches (126.37 cm) in length. The vehicle is licensed to drive on public roads. The speed of this vehicle is specified for driving on the road. This car cannot run on the road at a speed of more than 40 km per hour.
The vehicle authority had to burn less wood to get a license to drive on public roads. The car has to be designed following the American road and legal regulations. Head lights and front light system and seat belt have to be arranged in front of the car. To make the car smaller, its manufacturer Austin had to make the original engine quite compact. If it was not possible to make the engine smaller, maybe the car would not have been made so small. The vehicle cannot accommodate multiple passengers. There is only one driver's seat.
Austin said the car met the requirements for inclusion in the Guinness Book of World Records. Interestingly, the car has a gas tank that holds half a gallon of fuel. The car can run about 22 and a half miles on this half gallon of fuel. This is the distance the vehicle can travel before refueling.
The car maker has not yet planned commercial production of the Austin. He built the car and made it into the Guinness Book of World Records. It should be noted that small size cars are becoming quite popular in the current auto industry. The popularity of small cars is expected to increase in the next 20 years due to many reasons including less parking space, fuel efficiency. The construction of the smallest car indicates the current needs of people.