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If you have ten thousand followers on Instagram, you can stay in a hotel in Australia for free!

The Dhaka Times Desk On Instagram If you have 10 thousand followers, you can stay at the hotel for free. Surprised? Not surprisingly, a hotel in Sydney, Australia recently offered such a fancy offer.


Instagram is a photo sharing site whose application can also be used on mobile and social networking site Facebook can also upload photos. If a user of this popular site has 10,000 followers, he can stay for free at the recently opened hotel named '1888' in Sydney, Australia. The hotel is named after Kodak's first box and roll camera released this year.

The interiors and exteriors of the hotel are decorated with various architectures, furnitures that can be said to be rich on Instagram. In other words, the entire environment of the hotel is perfect for taking photos. Free iPads with Wi-Fi connectivity are provided for guests in every room so anyone can upload photos via Instagram with ease using the internet. Everyone must use #1888hotel hashtag while uploading photos while staying at the hotel.

This innovative offer for Instagram users has received quite a response in the media world, it can be called a wonderful opportunity for those who have ten thousand followers. Of course, if someone takes a great photo while staying at the hotel, then he will be as lucky as ten thousand followers because he too has a chance to stay at a free hotel for one night.

Reference: Tech Journal

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