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Even at the age of 30, men and women will retain the beauty of their skin

The Dhaka Times Desk People can never keep their age as the age increases with time the beauty of the skin decreases. In terms of health, our today's arrangement is how men and women can retain the beauty of their skin even at the age of 30.


As your age increases, the smoothness and beauty of your skin is lost, if you don't take care of it, it is very impossible for you to keep the beauty and stay evergreen, so we have organized for you today.

Dermatologist Dr. Uma Rani says, “30 years of age is the beginning of the end of puberty when a person has various skin problems, people have different types of skin especially oily, dry, and normal. People with oily and dry skin may experience various skin problems after 30 years. In many cases, pregnant women may experience specific skin problems such as acne with patchy dark spots on the skin.

Skin care for skin above 30:

  • First of all you have to keep your skin clean all the time, in this case you have to clean your skin well with water and apply Moisturizer. It is important to cleanse the skin with water not only for people over 30 but for people of all ages!
  •  We must eat more fruits and vegetables along with salads and mineral foods. Things to avoid are oily food, fried food and fast food or rich food.
  • Massaging the skin with natural cream or cucumber, tomato paste always gives very good results for the skin.
  • Clean skin in the morning alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) Which is available in the market as glycolic acid should be used. Clean the skin thoroughly with a mild cleanser in the afternoon for best results.
  • Protect from Ultra Violet by using Moisturizer SPF 15 Can use sunscreen lotion. Green or white tea can be used as a natural moisturizer, it is very effective.
  • At night of course you can use hydrochloride or vitamin C for dark circles.

Source: Times of India

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