Facebook came forward to prevent suicide

The Dhaka Times Desk যতই দিন যাচ্ছে, সারা বিশ্বে ততই বাড়ছে আত্মহত্যার প্রবণতা। এই ক্রমবর্ধমান আত্মহত্যার হার কমিয়ে আনতে এবার বিশেষ পদক্ষেপ নিয়েছে সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যম Facebook. Initially, this special program of Facebook started in Britain, America and Canada from September.

Recently, the month of September was declared as 'Suicide Prevention Day' under the Customs and Border Protection Department of the US government. Keeping this announcement in front, Facebook undertook this special program. This website of 1.15 billion users has added a long-term mechanism to their site to prevent suicide.

Let's say a person named A sees a post made by his friend named B, which makes him think that B might be thinking about suicide or preparing for something like that. Just go to the report link and click on the suicide option. There, A will be sent some important information about suicide prevention from Facebook, which A can send directly to his friend B if he wants. Apart from this, you can also go to the search option on the Facebook wall or the Facebook Help Center to learn about suicide prevention. Besides, friend A can also get the contact details of some local suicide prevention organizations from the help center. Not only that, A can also report the post so that Facebook can initiate direct communication with his suicidal friend. In this case, Facebook will first check whether the post carries the possibility of suicide. Facebook may also contact B's local law enforcement to prevent possible suicide later.

Not just online, but Facebook's chief security officer, Joe Sullivan, said they have already partnered with 33 suicide prevention organizations to take the program even further. Considering the number of Facebook users, this is the largest suicide prevention program ever undertaken globally. It remains to be seen whether this largest program can become the most effective one.

References: MensXP

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This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২৫, ২০১৩ 5:44 pm


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