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The production cost of the discussed iPhone 5S is only 190.70 dollars!

The Dhaka Times Desk A few days ago, Apple announced their new product iPhone 5S and also told how it will be priced. However, studies have shown that the iPhone 5s costs about the same as its predecessor.

iPhone 5s production

Research shows that new iPhone 5S 16GB It cost Apple to build 190.70 dollars If the processing fee is added to this, the total cost comes to $198.70. whose Selling price is $650.

On the other hand, Apple is all about making the iPhone 5, which gained popularity in the smart phone market last year 197.00 Dollars spent.

Conducted research on the cost of manufacturing Apple's iPhone 5S IHS teardown An organization called Senior Director of Research at IHS teardown Andrew Rassweiler Said, “Apple has added some advanced technologies in iPhone 5S that no other smart phone has yet, such as 64-bit app processor and fingerprint unlock sensor. Apple did not spend any extra money in connecting these technologies!

Meanwhile, the research firm also reported that Apple spent $173.45 plus dollar processing costs to make its affordable version of the iPhone 5S and the 16GB iPhone 5C.

Andrew Rassweiler Also said, "iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S have no difference in technology. iPhone 5C uses only plastic casing, everything else is the same!" The iPhone 5C is priced slightly lower than the iPhone 5S just by changing the casing.”

Currently the iPhone 5C is the best selling in China starting at $549 which is written on the iPhone box! The bottom line now is that Apple says it's making it easier for consumers to buy smart phones, even though their current prices are still a long way from the ready price.

It should be noted that Apple has sold about 9 million copies of their new model iPhones within a few days of their arrival in the market.

Source: India Times

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