The Dhaka Times
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Seafood has special benefits for human skin

The Dhaka Times Desk Most of us know that seafood is good for health but not many people know that it is especially beneficial for our skin. Seafood will make your skin plump and vibrant.


Although Bangladesh is a mother country of rivers, a part of our country is covered by the sea coast, as a result of which a lot of sea fish are available in that part and sea fish is a special source of protein. Sea fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin "A" and vitamin 'E'.

There are various vitamins in sea fish or food and if you eat sea fish and food, your skin will be soft and alive so you can eliminate the effects of skin age. Let's know the benefits of consuming seafood:

Eliminate signs of aging: Seafood removes wrinkles, acne, pigmentation, dry skin from your skin. The vitamin E present in it will give you a vibrant glowing skin which is able to remove the signs of your age.


Protection from UV rays: Seafood is very effective in protecting against UV rays ie harmful ultraviolet rays. The sun's harmful ultraviolet rays destroy your skin's precious cells. As a result, you get fine lines, you can also get cancer due to the harmful effects of the sun! Marine fish contains special oils that will protect your skin from these problems.

Brightens the skin: Seafood is especially helpful in brightening your skin. Many people use various creams to brighten their skin, but as a result, it has various harmful effects on your skin. But seafood i.e. sea fish contains special proteins that will make your skin look brighter than before. The omega-3 fatty acids in marine fish will play a special role in increasing the radiance of your skin.

So why the delay? Start eating seafood now.

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