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Convert your iPhone 5 to a gold iPhone 5S for just $$24!

The Dhaka Times Desk Gold iPhone 5S has gained immense popularity worldwide. If you have an iPhone 5, you can also give it the gold look of the iPhone 5S. That will cost you just a couple of thousand bucks for the $ $23.49, excluding shipping. this MobileFun A golden sticker released by the company for the iPhone 5.


This sticker is made to give your iPhone 5 the golden look of iPhone 5S. It has been reported that the gold iPhone 5S has been made in small quantities but the demand for it seems to be skyrocketing! Most of the buyers are now looking to buy the iPhone 5S gold color. It is also known that the gold iPhone 5S sold on eBay for $10, 100 dollars! Instead of spending so much money, buying stickers might be the most reliable thing for you!

MobileFun from the company vinyl kit If you buy a sticker and apply it, you will get more benefits that if you apply it, your iPhone 5 will be free from various scratches or stains, so your iPhone 5 will be protected.

MobileFun The company confirmed that vinyl kit Applying the sticker will make your iPhone 5 look exactly like the gold iPhone 5S. This sticker can be applied to all versions of iPhone 5. There may be many other methods available in the market to protect your iPhone 5, but using them will void the warranty if any damage occurs to your iPhone 5 handset. But this sticker is guaranteed to protect your warranty.

Reference: The Tech Journal

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