The Dhaka Times Desk We are all romantics. Be it less or more. But this romantic mind of ours also depends on the environment. When we get a beautiful and charming environment, our heart becomes more and more in love. There are some places in the world where you need to visit the person you love at least before death! Let's explore some romantic places.
Among the best romantic destinations, Paris, Venus will be at the top of everyone's wish list. Today we will visit Paris, Venice and other places where you will feel like you are in heaven! There really is no comparison to these places for love, or to feel the fullness of love!
First of all, let me tell you about the incomparable evening in Paris. In the evening, standing with your beloved near the Louvre Museum in Paris or the Eiffel Tower, you can feel with all your veins that the joy of being alive in the world is real. Let your life get caught up in that beautiful lonely evening in Paris, that's all you want in a word. You can even start a frenzy to drain all the love this evening with eternal life!
Goth-Jati is called love-jati. They have now largely disappeared from the world, but a few still survive in Avignon, France. The vast land here and the vast sky above will blow your mind. You will want to take the scent of your lover in the fresh air forever. The shade of fragrant lavender trees standing far and wide in that beautiful land like a picture will make your love even more magical!
লিওনার্দো ডা ভিঞ্চির সেই বিখ্যাত ছবি, “দ্য লাস্ট সাপার” এবং বিশ্বের সেরা ডিজাইনারদের মেলা হলো ইটালির মিলান শহর। আপনি যদি আপনার প্রেমিকাকে নিয়ে এই শহরে হাঁটতে বের হন, সারাদিন হেঁটেও ক্লান্ত হবেন না, একথাটি নির্দ্বিধায় বলা যায়। পুরো শহরের মার্বেল স্থাপত্য এবং জায়গায় জায়গায় সঙ্গীতের ব্যবস্থা দেখে মনে হবে আপনি এখানে কেনো আগে এলেন না! সঙ্গীত আর মার্বেলের স্থাপত্যের সৌন্দর্য আপনাদের দুজনকে নিয়ে আসবে আরও কাছে, আপনাদের প্রেম হবে অর্থপূর্ণ।
Movie directors, actors, singers, you won't find anyone who hasn't been to Venice once, hasn't fallen in love with Venice! The entire city of Venice can be toured by a type of comfortable boat called a gondola. If you spend a little money, you can spend the whole day on the boat!
High in the western hills as far as the eye can see, rolling, misty tea plantations fill your eyes. At one end of the tea garden, the rushing fountain will beckon you. When it gets dark, a strange love descends on this area as if there is a sky! You can even catch the clouds from this high, here the clouds float very low. If this environment doesn't make you romantic, then you are not romantic!
Reference: Times of India
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২৪, ২০১৪ 10:32 am
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