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UN goals not achieved The number of child laborers in the world is 11 percent

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, the number of child laborers in the world is 11 percent. It has been noted in a report of the international organization that the 2016 target of the United Nations to eliminate child labor is not being achieved.

Child workers

According to a recent ILO report, poverty is the main obstacle to the implementation of the United Nations plan to eliminate child labour. The International Labor Organization (ILO) has said that the United Nations' plan to eliminate child labor from the world by 2016 is not being achieved.

According to the report, the rate of child labor between the ages of 5 and 17 has decreased by 3 times in the last 13 years, but it is not enough to achieve the goal set by the United Nations to completely eliminate child labor from the world by 2016. ALO's report mentions that this target is not being achieved due to some other reasons including poverty.

Among the large number of children in the Asia Pacific and Sub-Saharan region, 21 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa, 9 percent in Asia Pacific and Latin America, and 8 percent in North Africa and the Middle East, the report said.

According to the report published in the third international conference on child labor in Brazil, according to the survey until 2012, the number of child laborers in the world is 168 million. That means 11 percent of the world's children are workers. Among them, 5 percent are engaged in hazardous work, the report said. According to the report, among the total child laborers, 9 crore 98 lakh are women workers. In 2000, the number of child laborers in the world was 246 million. In 2008 it decreased to 21 crore 50 lakh. And between 2008 and 2012, the number of child laborers decreased at a more noticeable rate. During this period the number of female children declined more than that of boys. It is said that between 2008 and 2012, the number of female children decreased by 40 percent and the number of male children decreased by 25 percent. And 85 percent of the 16.8 million child laborers are involved in hazardous work. As a result, these children are under threat in terms of health, safety and mental development. References: PBS NEWSHOUR

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