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Iran's cyber attack on America

The Dhaka Times Desk Iran is one of the countries in the Middle East that are fierce critics and rivals of America in the world today. The rivalry between the two countries has now spread beyond real life to the cyber world. Following this, the United States has recently claimed that Iran has stolen confidential information by conducting a cyber attack on its Navy's secret database. However, Iran has not commented on this matter.


The attack came as the US Obama administration was trying to restart dialogue with Iran's Rouhani-led government over its controversial nuclear program. The US has claimed that the hackers who hacked its Navy's secret database continue to work under the auspices of the Iranian government. The US Department of Defense has identified this September cyber attack as one of the most serious of Iran's covert efforts to hack and spy on the US. Several US officials have also said that Iran is seen by the US as an emerging threat in the cyber world.

This conflict between Iran and America in the cyber world is not new. In 2010, a computer virus named 'Stuxnet' was released by America and Israel, whose purpose was to use computers in Iran's nuclear facilities to make the equipment useless. After that, a virus called 'Flame' was released whose job was to steal all the important information on the computer. Besides, this virus was able to steal what the computer user was talking about Iran's oil companies suffered greatly.

References: The Wall Street Journal

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