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Onion with many qualities!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us have the idea that onions may harm our body. Because especially homeo doctors forbid eating raw onion with almost all medicines. But this onion benefits us a lot. Details are given today.


We have seen that most of the homeo doctors don't eat raw onions while administering the medicine. There is an idea in us that onion must be a harmful thing. But actually it is not. Onion has many benefits for our body. Onion has many benefits. These issues will be discussed in today's report.

Researchers have also said that this onion is very beneficial for the human body. But in many cases there are several reasons to avoid eating raw onions. The power of this onion is so strong that it can sometimes interfere with the quality of medicine. And that's why homeo doctors don't take raw onion with medicine.

We cannot cook without onions. Because to cook any curry, onions are needed. If you cook any curry without onion, it will have no taste. Again we need onion with salat. If there is no onion with the salat, the salat has no meaning. The demand for onion is going on in such a way that you have to eat it. But have we ever thought about the benefits of this onion to our body? This onion has many qualities. Which is very beneficial for our body. Onions-2

What protein is in onion?

A medium sized onion contains 86.8% water, 1.2% protein, 11.6% carbohydrates, 0.18% calcium, 0.04% phosphorus and 0.7% iron. In addition, onions contain vitamins A, B and C.

Onions contain excellent amounts of beneficial quercetin

These onions are rich in quercetin which is present in the light purple outer skin of the onion. Quercetin lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and increases the good cholesterol, prevents blood clots, reduces asthma, controls diabetes and helps in solving bronchitis problems.

The most interesting thing is that you can get this benefit even if you don't eat onion all day. According to researchers, eating just one medium-sized cooked or raw onion a day can provide these benefits.

Onion reduces the risk of cancer

Studies have shown that the antioxidants in onions prevent cancer by protecting the cells' DNA from damage. Studies have even shown that onion juice destroys test tube tumor cells and inhibits the growth of body tumors in mice. Onion juice is non-toxic and has no side effects. So there is no problem playing as much as you want.

Onion detoxifies the body

A large amount of onion contains natural sulfur compounds that are very beneficial for the body. Sulfur is an amino acid found in garlic and eggs. These amino acids are called methionine and cysteine. These elements rid the body of various harmful metals. Researchers have even said that they remove lead, arsenic and cadmium from the body. Onions also contain vitamin C which purifies the body, is beneficial in protecting the skin of the elderly and protects the body from lead, arsenic and cadmium.

Onion increases sexual power

According to the researchers, onion helps to increase sexual power. Consuming at least one glass of onion juice daily improves sexual performance. By playing this way regularly, the sexual power increases by about 200%. Those who do not like onion juice can also benefit from eating raw onion with food.

Onion is also good for the heart

Onion prevents blood clotting and lowers blood cholesterol. So onion is very beneficial for heart. Many cardiologists advise their patients to eat onions regularly. In particular, Harvard doctor Victor Gurdevich advises his patients to eat at least one onion per day.

last word

So eat onions regularly every day and live a healthy and beautiful life. But remember that nothing is too good, so try to stick to the rules. Then a healthy and disease-free beautiful life will widen your path. Information: Online.

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