Smartphones will signal earthquakes

The Dhaka Times Desk Earthquake Happening often. Natural Disasters Earthquakes cannot be accurately predicted in advance. Due to which people cannot take any pre-earthquake preparation measures. But recently Bulletin of the Seismological Society According to a research article published in Smartphone Earthquake data can be known using

Urban areas are most vulnerable to earthquakes. A sudden earthquake caused a lot of damage. If an earthquake can be predicted in advance, many types of pre-preparedness measures can be taken. By doing this, loss of life can be reduced as well as corrosion damage. Researchers have been working on earthquake early warning systems for many days. They were looking for a device that could predict earthquakes. It is not possible to collect accurate earthquake data with conventional instruments. Researchers say that the sensitive part of the smartphone can give an early signal of the earthquake.

Not all smartphones can give advance alerts. On the smartphone to signal the earthquake Micro Electro Mechanical System Accelerometer (MEMS accelerometer) should have a chip. Micro electro mechanical system accelerometer works to collect movement data. The standard accelerometers found in current smartphones are sensitive to earthquakes greater than magnitude 5. However, a more sensitive accelerometer would be required to obtain useful results in earthquakes lower than this. Manufacturers are thinking of more sensitive accelerometers.

Researchers have used smartphone accelerometers in large numbers urban seismic network Planning to make. Using which more data can be collected and seismic analysis will be more accurate. So in the near future it can be expected that earthquakes will be known before they occur.

References: The Tech Journal

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This post was last modified on জুন ১৪, ২০১৭ 11:12 am


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