The Dhaka Times
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People spend 7 years of life in the bathroom!

The Dhaka Times Desk People spend 7 years of life in the bathroom! Hearing such news, maybe someone can think that this is a news? From time to time many small news also appear big. This is the news.

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We have a rough idea of how many years a person takes from birth to death. Like 60/70 or more. There are occasional exceptions to this. For example, there are people who live 90 or 100 years. But sometimes people can die even at the age of 30/40 years. That is, death has no boundary line. Only God knows when and how someone will die. This is the inevitable rule of the world.

Again we do not keep the news of how many things are happening in this world. But a lot of small news gives us food for thought. It is therefore very natural to be interested in knowing things that do not usually happen or things that usually escape the eye.

One such news that will surprise you is that an average person spends at least 7 years of his life in the bathroom! That is, the combined sum and average of the time you spend in the bathroom. You may be surprised by this calculation. You may be able to figure this out roughly if you do the math in general. which will be considered average.

Maybe even poets, writers or scientists can compose or invent things while sitting in the bathroom. Would you be surprised if it did?

But if it's a modern bathroom (like the bathroom in the picture) then 7 years is nothing! Surely you agree with me?
Source: Online.

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