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The science fiction movie 'Gravity' about the survival struggle of an astronaut stuck in space!

3D science fiction movie about space, spaceships, astronauts'Gravity' Released last October 4. Acted in it George Clooney And Sandra Bullock. The movie received positive response from the audience and critics in the first week of its release.


The 3D fantasy movie 'Gravity' is directed by the famous director Alfonso Cuaron. The movie revolves around the survival struggle of a medical officer and an astronaut who survive the destruction of a spacecraft. Medical Officer Dr. Ryan Stone The role is played by an Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock He played the role of an astronaut named 'Matt Kowsky' George Clooney . Dr. the first space mission. Ryan Stone accompanied veteran Matt and unfortunately their spaceship crashed in a collision during space orbit, resulting in them losing contact with Earth. It is known that they have very little oxygen to survive. The isolation, loneliness and sadness of the space they are trapped in – is evident throughout the movie. The movie 'Gravity' tells the story of the hope and struggle to return to Earth during this difficult time. Will they be able to return to their families on earth? – The movie is a must watch to enjoy such a breathtakingly beautiful story.


The Bly-side He won his first career Oscar for acting in the movie Sandra Bullock. 'Gravity' Many critics are expecting another Oscar to be added to his bag for outstanding performance in the movie.

The movie is just two days after its release because the movie is so good IMDB rating received an 8.8 and was praised by critics. After all this the director of the movie Alfonso Queron He said that he thinks that his big budget movie about an accident in space will not do business as expected Let's see how much his words prove to be true and the readers will have to wait for some time to know that.

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