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Prevention of incurable cancer

The Dhaka Times Desk The incidence of incurable cancer has increased dramatically in recent times. However, it is essential to know how to prevent this incurable disease.


There is no end to research in the world about this cancer. Researchers have discovered many types of drugs, but no drug has been discovered to completely prevent this cancer. Because once this cancer has caught, there is no cure. For this reason, many people say, 'Whoever has cancer, there is no cure'.

There was a time when people did not know what cancer was. But as the modern age is coming, its popularity is also increasing. The root cause of such situation is adulterated food. Food adulteration is now a daily companion. And by eating all these adulterated foods, people are suffering from all serious diseases like cancer.

According to a study by the National Cancer Institute in the United States, diet is associated with all types of cancer. Recently, 170 studies from 17 countries have shown that a small change in diet can reduce the risk of cancer. Eating small amounts of various cancer-fighting foods every day can greatly reduce the risk. Let us know about the foods today.


Orange vegetables, carrots, turmeric

Orange vegetables, carrots, turmeric contain cancer-fighting beta-carotene, which attacks and prevents cancer cells.

Watermelon, tomato

Watermelon and tomatoes contain lycopene, which has a low level in the blood, increasing the risk of pancreatic cancer by almost five times.

green vegetables

Green vegetables contain anti-cancer beta-carotene, folate and lutein. The greener the vegetable, the more nutrients it contains, say experts.

Cauliflower, cabbage, turnip

Experts say that cooking vegetables for a short time keeps the nutrients in them, which helps prevent cancer. Regular consumption of this vegetable reduces the risk of esophageal cancer by about 70 percent.

Onion and garlic

Onion-garlic vegetables contain several anti-cancer components of the esophagus, stomach, lung and liver, which garlic extract reduces the risk of breast cancer by about 71 percent, according to experts.


Soybeans contain at least five anti-cancer compounds. The chemical properties of one of these ingredients are similar to tamoxifen, a drug used in breast cancer, experts said.

Milk (low fat)

Low-fat milk contains calcium, riboflavin, vitamins A, C, D etc., which work against cancer.

Vitamin 'C' rich fruit

People who eat some vitamin C-rich fruits every day reduce their risk of pancreatic cancer by about half or two-thirds.

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