The Dhaka Times
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Recipe: French Garlic Chicken

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's recipe item is French Garlic Chicken. This item is also suitable for afternoon snack.



  • # Rooster 1 (weighing 1 kg)
  • # garlic large 10 cells
  • # vinegar half cup
  • # leaves 6
  • # oil 1 cup
  • # Salt to taste


The rooster will be whole. First, wash the chicken well and remove the dirt from the inside, wash and drain the water. Then mix all the ingredients together in the chicken and fry in the oven on low heat. Then put it in the oven on low heat or roast it at 190 degrees C (350 degrees F). If the chicken is brown, turn it occasionally. When the water dries up and the gravy thickens and the oil comes out and looks chalky, cut it into pieces and serve.

Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Catering, Dhaka.

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