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Malala wants to be the Prime Minister of Pakistan

The Dhaka Times Desk Malala Yousafzai, the brave daughter of the women's education movement, wants to become the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He expressed this attitude in an interview given to CNN.


According to the media, Malala Yousafzai, a 16-year-old girl who is a brave pioneer of the women's education movement, has expressed her desire to become the Prime Minister of Pakistan. He wants to grow up and become the prime minister to protect the country. In an interview given to CNN last Thursday, Malala said, "I want to be the Prime Minister of Pakistan, who is hesitant in taking the two professions of doctor and politician in the future." I think it will be really good. Because I can save my country only through politics. Malala also said that a large part of the budget should be spent on education. Then I will also focus on the foreign policy of the country. Malala began her campaign in 2009 with a blog post about how the Taliban group was preventing girls like her from going to school.

Malala also recently wrote an autobiography titled 'I Am Malala'. Malala's autobiography became's second best-selling book on Thursday. On the other hand, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has warned about the sale of this book. They said, whoever is found selling this book will face severe consequences. Malala received the European Parliament's prestigious Sakharov Human Rights Prize on Thursday. Rumors that he might win the Nobel Peace Prize this year were also quite strong. But it didn't happen at the last minute. Malala said about this, if I get the Nobel it will be a great honor. If I get this award, I can use the money to promote girls' education. Security was also beefed up at the New York event after the Taliban threatened to attack him. About the Taliban attack on her in the school bus, Malala said, "They can attack my body." But they couldn't kill my dream. Malala said, at one time her dream was to become a doctor. But now he wants to take part in politics and thereby become the Prime Minister of Pakistan one day. Malala said to clarify the matter, if I become a doctor I can serve my community. And if I become a politician, I can serve the people of the whole country. Many have suggested that the Taliban may become more desperate after this attitude is revealed. Source: Online.

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