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A Chinese couple sold their children to buy an iPhone!

The Dhaka Times Desk A couple in China has been accused of selling their daughter online just to buy an iPhone!

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Technology has improved so much that it is inhumane that people are willing to sacrifice themselves to get hold of technology. That precedent was set by a Chinese couple who sold their baby daughter online and bought an iPhone with the proceeds.

The incident took place in China's Shanghai province, a criminal case has already been filed against the couple. Last Friday, citing China's state media, various media have confirmed the truth of the incident.

According to the investigating officer of the incident, the child's mother bought an iPhone, shoes and other things with the money from the sale of her child. But they bought everything online.

Earlier, the couple advertised their daughter for sale on various online classified ads websites. Seeing that ad many buyers contacted them and finally they sold their baby girl to a buyer as the price was right. It is not known exactly how much they sold their child, but sources confirmed that the couple was asking for 30,000 to 50,000 yen in various online ads!

Meanwhile, the couple told the police that they did not sell their children with the intention of buying an iPhone! Since they have two more children, their main objective was to have a bright future for the child, to have a child with someone who can afford to give the girl child a better life!

This is not the first such crazy act to buy an iPhone One sold his kidney to buy an iPad.

Thank you: South China Morning Post

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