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Now comes the solar powered GPS device Retriever

The Dhaka Times Desk As days go by, solar energy is increasing all over the world. New ways to run electrical appliances on solar power often appear in the pages of newspapers. In continuation of this, this time came the solar powered GPS (GPS) device retriever.


Before going into the topic of 'retrievor' an introduction to the GPS system is needed. GPS is a method by which the location and movement of something can be monitored remotely. If something is lost, it can be easily located with the help of GPS device. Let's say, if a pet dog has a small GPS device attached to its neck belt, then even if it is released, the owner can easily find the dog.

However, the main advantage of the Retriever GPS device is that it does not have the hassle of changing the battery. This device can charge its own 120 mAh battery using solar energy. Besides, there is also the possibility of traditional battery charging. This device is quite small in size. This dime-sized device measures just 28 millimeters and weighs just 12 grams. By attaching the device to a key ring or bag, tracking can be done using an Android phone or web browser. It is the smallest of all the GPS devices. Retrievers do the best tracking between 1.5 and 3 meters. Another great advantage of this device named Retriever is that it is waterproof.

The Retriever currently costs enthusiasts $299 (roughly Rs. 24,000). They also have to pay an additional bill of $1.79 (approx. Rs. 150) per month due to satellite usage.

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References: The Tech Journal, Mashable
