The Dhaka Times Desk Beef item will be presented in front of you today in recipe arrangement. First up is the Beef Kari.
Wash the meat well and drain the water. Then put the meat in a bowl and add oil, all kinds of batter masala, chili powder, turmeric powder, salt to taste and put it in the oven. After cooking for a while, when the water comes out of the meat, it should be cooked with a lid. Sometimes you have to shake a little. When the water dries up and the oil floats on top of the meat, add cumin powder, jaiphal jaitri powder, green chillies and hot water to a simmer. Remove the meat when it becomes soft. Care should be taken that the meat is very soft. The meat should be simmered in the oven until it becomes soft. Curries usually have a bit more broth.
Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Catering, Dhaka.
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২২, ২০২২ 11:51 am
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