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He is free from the snare: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has no e-mail and mobile phone!

The Dhaka Times Desk The Prime Minister of India will not fall into the trap of US intelligence agencies. Because he does not use e-mail or mobile phone.

Премьер-министр Индии Манмохан Сингх прибыл с официальным визитом в Москву

While the major nations of the world are under the covert surveillance of the US National Security Agency (NSA), the Prime Minister of India is completely safe. Prothom Alo Online published the information yesterday Friday citing NDTV.

According to media reports, the UK's Guardian newspaper claimed in a report yesterday on October 25 that the NSA had intercepted the phones of 35 top world leaders.

When asked whether Manmohan was aware of the US surveillance by NDTV, a spokesman for the Prime Minister said, "He does not even use a personal e-mail." The Prime Minister does not even have a personal mobile phone.

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