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Google has changed the login interface of Gmail

The Dhaka Times Desk Internet giant Google's most used product is Gmail service. Recently, Google has changed the interface of their Gmail login page.


The new interface of the login page is now open to all. If you are currently logged in, log out and log back into Gmail, you will see this small change. If not, try clearing your browser's history cache.

The new login page is designed with the login option in the middle. Which used to be on the right side of the page. Below you can see the old log-in page.


The new login page design not only requires you to remember the password, it is also able to remember the history of your previous logins. However, this may vary from browser to browser. It is not yet available for all users in all browsers. In my case, I saw this design when I logged out and logged in in Firefox, but not in Chrome. Of course, the opposite has happened to many. They got it in Chrome but not in Firefox.

If you don't get it in any browser, stay tuned, you'll get a new design interface any time!

Reference: TheTechJournal

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