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12-year-old teenager hacked the American government website!

The Dhaka Times Desk Government websites of different countries are hacked to spread it on the internet Anonymous Name Hacking groups have many names. But this time Anonymous No, a 12-year-old teenager himself hacked the American government website and all his information Anonymous Handed over!


The name of the 12-year-old has not yet been released to the media, but it is known that he is only a fifth grader and has been addicted to computers since the age of nine! The teenager admitted that he had hacked the websites of some commercial companies as well as the Montreal Police website, the Quebec Institute of Public Health and some of the Chilean government websites!

Sources said the teenager DDOS The attack breaks the security of the websites and steals the personal information of the users from the server. Interestingly, the teenager did all this for a video game Anonymous The group gave him!

The court said the teenager's hacking caused a loss equivalent to about sixty thousand dollars. He will be judged next month!

Reference: TheTechJournal

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