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Nine mistakes to avoid at breakfast!

The Dhaka Times Desk Breakfast is an important part of the day. If you don't eat breakfast properly, it affects your body for the rest of the day. But breakfast is not only done! Many people make little mistakes, among them there are nine special mistakes in this report.


Fruit juice:


When you juice fruit in a blender, many vitamins are lost. Better to juice the fruits (especially oranges) and mix them with water to save you some calories!

Have a small amount of breakfast:


No matter how little breakfast you eat, the extra oil you eat at other times of the day won't do much good! So do not neglect your breakfast and eat moderately.

Be aware of having heavy food for breakfast:


If someone offers you a food treat in the morning, politely decline it. If you want to have happy health then this practice is a must. Make a mindset of not having heavy food at all except for light breakfast.

Do not drink more than one cup


A cup of coffee or tea in the morning can refresh your mind. But never drink more than one cup, it can be dangerous for your body!

Unhealthy breakfast:


It is better to avoid chocolate like foods in the morning. Due to the high content of fat in it, it will contribute to your weight gain.

Neglecting breakfast:


If you think that you ate a lot the night before, your stomach is still full, you don't need much breakfast, but you are wrong. Skipping breakfast slows down our metabolism and makes us tired! So there is no opportunity to skip breakfast!

Avoid the breakfast buffet:


If there is a breakfast buffet in the morning like a buffet lunch, it is better to avoid them carefully. Do not eat a lot of sweets, chocolate after craving, this will increase the fat content in the body. Keep the breakfast you eat regularly. Milk, eggs, bread and bananas are the perfect breakfast!

Have a full breakfast


Drinking some warm water is one of the first things in the morning. Then have a full breakfast. It will help protect you from serious diseases and give you fullness.

Not having a healthy breakfast:


Have a healthy breakfast. For example: a cup of lemon tea, or banana, bread with eggs or wheat etc.

Reference: healthmeup

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