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Bizarre news: India's Ram Singh Chauhan has set a world record with a 14-foot golf course!

The Dhaka Times Desk India's Ram Singh Chauhan made a 14-foot-tall goof. His aim is to set a world record for the largest golf ball. Did so. His name has appeared in the Greenage Book of Records.

The world record

India's Ram Singh Chauhan has not cut his mustache for almost 43 years! Naturally, this mustache became very long and exceeded his physical height! This 58-year-old man's mustache is now about 14 feet long! He has recently been recognized by the Guinness World Records for preserving this mustache. Of course, Greenage Book of Records holder Ram Singh Chauhan considers owning the mustache that Chauhan, a resident of Jaipur, Rajasthan, cherishes as his greatest achievement.

It was about 1970. Chauhan's mustache began to grow from adolescence. For almost 43 years, he has not applied a blade or any kind of hoof to these mustaches of extreme hobby, and he has never even used any scissors to trim the mustache except for beautification. However, Chauhan has to spend at least two hours every day to bring this world-class mustache to its current position.

Ram Singh Chauhan said, they could not be made bigger. Cleanliness was involved. As such, growing a mustache is like nurturing a child. Asha is the wife of Chauhan, the owner of this unusual yet stunning moustache. Even though the mustache was not so long at the time of marriage, Chauhan told her that he would not cut the moustache. His wife agreed to marry him on this condition. He asked to focus on these 'symbols of good luck' without giving any objection.

Ram Singh Chauhan's two daughters and one son have never expressed displeasure with their father's unusual moustache, but have earned a reputation among their neighbors. And after the Guinness World Records authority recognized Chauhan, the locals congratulated him and posted posters. Source:

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