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[Video] Is Nokia going to bring Windows 95-powered smartphones to the market?

The Dhaka Times Desk Microsoft And Nokia Keeping up with Android in the smartphone market Windows Phone After bringing to the market, Microsoft is now Nokia Windows 95 operating system Smartphone Going to bring to market? At least that's what the recently released video on the internet says. But is it really so?


Microsoft or Nokia - No one has officially informed about Windows 95 operating system Nokia Windows 95 phone market. However, a video has spread across the Internet where it appears that Nokia is bringing a mobile phone called Windows 95. Microsoft-Nokia!

In this modern era, many people are not surprised by the news that Microsoft and Nokia are launching smartphones running such an old operating system.

However, it is said in the video that Microsoft-Nokia young users think that any phone with Windows 95 operating system will do much better than the Nokia Windows phones currently in the market. In the video, the news is revealed that Microsoft is going to bring Windows 95 smart phone to the market! - Which can make anyone look stupid!

On the other hand, the video shows some of the benefits of this new set which is sure to make you laugh. As shown in the video, the mobile will make a kind of sound when a program is launched in Internet Explorer!

Obviously, this video is nothing but a joke. However, in the joint effort of Microsoft and Nokia, Nokia is currently losing the smartphone market, if one day Nokia is disappointed and announces the launch of Microsoft's Windows 95 operating system smartphone, there is nothing surprising.

Let's see that video:

Thank you: The Tech Journal

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