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Soy flour: helps improve memory in the elderly!

The Dhaka Times Desk A study found that soy flour helps improve memory. Recently, scientists have reported to be convinced about this.

Soy flour

Scientists have developed a soy flour that can improve memory and prevent dementia. News from The Indian Express.
According to the news, this soy flour is mainly made from an ingredient called 'tempeh'. Which is also known as 'tofu' in the Asian region. Scientists say tempeh contains a plant-derived hormone and B vitamins that have been shown to improve memory in older adults.

Loughborough University's School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Professor of Biological Psychology, said, 'Our research has shown that playing more Tempe, memory is intact even in old age. Because it contains two components called folate and cobalamin. These two elements work as a helper to keep the memory intact.'

Speaking about the soy flour research, Professor Hozervorst said, 'We have tested it on mice before and come to a conclusion.' Tempeh is widely available in Indonesia and most people consume foods made from it. Professor Hojervorst said memory-related problems among the elderly in Indonesia were low.

In that news, it is said about tempeh, tempeh can be chewed. But for the elderly it is very difficult! So scientists invented the process of making flour from it. Surprisingly, it is now available in powder or liquid form.

Scientists say that elderly people suffer a lot due to memory loss when they are old. But by eating this soy flour, elderly people will get rid of problems like memory loss. So in one word, this soy flour is going to create a new horizon for the elderly.

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