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Sleep improves memory

The Dhaka Times Desk Good sleep works best for babies to remember new words. Researchers from UK's Sheffield Hallam University reported this information recently.

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Children often remember new words when explained. They have a sharper memory than adults when it comes to learning new words and learning languages. Although such a concept is common, researchers say that this characteristic of remembering is absent in children aged seven to 12 years of primary school. They are also somewhat inattentive. According to them, those who were able to remember well at the beginning of school, many were forgetting it after the tea break. They did the research to find out why this happens.

Researchers taught language to 53 boarding school children. 30 to 60 minutes are taught a day. An assessment test is then taken. Another assessment test was taken 12 hours later.

Children who are taught during the day forget a lot in the afternoon assessment tests. Also, children who are taught at night do better on tests taken in the morning. That is, night sleep keeps their memory good.

Researchers say that even the best child can remember better if given a little sleep.

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