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Movie 'Thor – The Dark World' Brings Thor, God of Thunder and Storm [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Marvel Comics its character Thor Super hero movie named 'Thor – The Dark World' Which is the sequel of 'Thor' released in 2011. Thor, the god of thunder and storm from Norse mythology, will be seen saving the world from destruction like in the previous movie.


The story of Thor movie revolves around a universe. Our world is one of the nine states. The name of the planet where Thor lives is Asgard In the movie 'The Dark World', Thor will fight to save Earth and the remaining nine kingdoms from a shadowy villain. Thor will risk his life to maintain peace and order around the universe. Meanwhile, a vengeful villain named Melkith emerges leading an ancient race that plunges the entire universe into darkness. Odin, the king of Asgard, and all of Asgard were unable to resist this enemy. How will Thor save the entire universe in this situation? What will Thor do to sacrifice everything to save the universe? To know the answers to these questions, the audience will have to watch the movie.

Some information about the movie:

'Thor – The Dark World' at a Glance

  • Name: Thor – The Dark World'
  • Director: Alan Taylor
  • the storyAnd Screenplay: Don Payne, Christopher Ost and Ashley Miller
  • Production: Walt Disney Pictures
  • Acting: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston. There are also Anthony Hopkins, Christopher Assilston and others.
  • Genre: Superheroes, Science Fiction
  • Language: english
  • Release date: November 4, 2013
  • Format: 3D
  • IMDB link

Movie trailer video:
