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See where all the data of Google! [Photos & Video]

The Dhaka Times Desk No matter what you search for, Google will present it immediately. But this work does not happen by magic! Google has a huge data center for this Which provide you with information from 24 hours a day! Let's see some pictures and videos of Google's data center.


Thinking here is a game of color! Not really! The speed of this data center made of different fiber optic cables is 200,000 times faster than your home net speed! And that's why you get any data search immediately!


The data center is spread over 115,000 square feet.


Do you think it's just a patchwork building! In fact, it is the basis of Google's data center.


Another picture inside the data center. It helps keep the environment inside the data center cool.


It is the location of water supply for Google data center. Cold water goes through the blue pipe and hot water goes through the red pipe.


When all the blue LED lights are on, everything is considered OK. If there is an exception, something is thought to have gone wrong, then a check is made to see what happened.


This is where Google backs up its data, and where Google uses its own robots to unload various disk loads.


There is a water supply of about 900,000 liters. It is used to keep Google's data centers cool.


Mike Bahama, a Google employee, is seen fixing a motherboard. If it can't be fixed, Google will send it to a recycle center.

Watch the video below made about Google's data center

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