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Download 5 great free games for Windows 8!

The Dhaka Times Desk While the Windows App Store has a great selection of games, not all of them are free for consumers. For those who don't have the budget to buy games, today's report contains 5 great Windows 8 game news, all of which are free!


Six Guns


Seeing the name may have shaken many people! As the name suggests, it's a fun shooting game, indeed! In this game you earn points by killing the opponent enemies. Buck Crossshaw You have to play as the name character who will have a pistol and a horse. Shooting games like this for free aren't easy to come by! Download Microsoft's Apps Store Since, you must be running Windows 8 or 8.1 to run the game.



This game is based on a fairy tale. In this game you have to defeat different monsters. Each episode will have a super power boss that you have to defeat. Before going to the boss you need to increase your strength by killing small monsters. Apps store to play this game with great graphics Download from

Endless Skater


This game is really great to play on Windows 8 tablets. This game will impress you by taking different daring turns on skates. The more rules you can skate, the higher your points will be. Of course, even if you don't have a tablet, you can play it on PC. In this game you have to compete with cars! Apps Store Download for free from!

Awesome Zombie Sniper


It's another shooting game! But it's not just the bullets, your role in this game is as a sniper. Different zombies have to be killed with sniper rifle. And to kill the zombie, you have to shoot him in the head. So this game will make you a good sniper! Apps Store Download from

LEGO Hero Factory Brain Attack


It is primarily a two-player game, but you can also play in one-player mode if you wish. The mission of this game is very simple, kill the enemy, the more you kill, the more power you get, slowly progress to the harder level, then you need more power! Apps Store Download for free from!

Reference: makeuseof

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