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Samsung tablets are more popular than Apple tablets

The Dhaka Times Desk Apple and Samsung are currently the names of two rival companies in the technology sector, but Samsung is ahead of Apple in terms of tablet popularity even though the two companies have released their respective modern tablets in a survey.


Recently, a survey conducted by DJ Power on the customer satisfaction of tablets made by technology companies shows that there is a fierce competition between Samsung and Apple tablets, but the Samsung Tab has narrowly beaten Apple's iPad.

Out of a total of 1,000 scores in the survey, the Amazon tablet is followed by Samsung's 835 and Apple's 833 with their score of 826, followed by Asus and Acer in fourth and fifth place.

3,375 tablet users participated in the survey, but there were no iPad Air or iPad mini users among them. In the survey, users rank their satisfaction with using their respective company's tablets.


However, one thing to note in the survey was that users put the iPad ahead of the Samsung tablet in all 4 categories, such as design, service, features, etc. But in only one category Samsung is better than Apple is the price! This is how Samsung is able to move ahead of Apple.

A 16 gigabytes Samsung Galaxy Tab-3 WiFi 8 inch display tablet is available for 299 dollars, on the other hand, if you want to buy a tablet with the same features from Apple, you have to spend 399 dollars!

The DJ Power survey also shows that Samsung is the only company that managed to advance itself in all categories from last April's survey.

Source: CNN

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