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Volcano wakes up, covers Kamchatka with ash [video and photos]

The Dhaka Times Desk Kamchatka is a peninsula in the far east of Russia. Two lakh 70 thousand square kilometers in size. In medium size, the peninsula is home to 300,000 people. Recently, a volcano that woke up on the island has covered the entire island in ash with continuous lava eruptions.


The 160 volcanoes within Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula make the island attractive to the outside world. 29 of the 160 volcanoes are currently active. 19 of these 29 active volcanoes are included in UNESCO's 'World Heritage' list.

The highest and most famous volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula is Klyuchevoskoye the volcano This volcano with a height of 15 thousand 584 feet has recently started continuously erupting lava. This lava eruption started from the middle of August this year which stopped on 21st of that month. Later, the lava eruption started again from October 12. Along with Klyuchevskoi, the 10,771-foot-high Shiveluch volcano in the region has started erupting lava since October 11. As of November 3, both volcanoes were still spewing lava, according to the last report from volcano news agency Volcano Discovery. This tendency of the fires inside Kliuchevoskoi and Shiveluch to continuously push out has covered the entire island in ash.

Images taken by NASA's Landsat 8 satellite show lava and ash spewed by Klyuchevoskoye at an altitude of 32,000 feet above sea level. In late October, Nalychevo Valley, a national park in Kamchatka, was covered in ash at least 1 millimeter thick.

Klyuchevoskoye volcano is known to have started its first lava eruption in 1697. While conquering the volcano, many people lost their lives due to the heat of the lava. Since 2007, the volcano has entered a new eruption cycle. Some groups of local aborigines believe that the entire world was created from Klyuchevoskoi.

Watch the volcano on video:

See the volcano in pictures:






References: Daily Mail, Pop Science, Volcano Discovery

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