Give ideas, earn money - with the company 'Assembly'!

The Dhaka Times Desk আমরা মাঝে মাঝেই হঠাৎ করেই কোন কোন প্রযুক্তিগত নতুন উদ্ভাবনের আইডিয়া আবিষ্কার করে বসি কিন্তু দুঃখের বিষয় হচ্ছে সেই আইডিয়া বাস্তবায়ন করার মত টাকা, সময় বা সুযোগ কোনটাই আমাদের থাকে না। আমাদের সেইসব আইডিয়াকেই বাস্তব পরিণতি এবং একই সাথে আইডিয়ার জন্য টাকাও দিচ্ছে ‘AssemblyA company named

'Assembly' The unique approach that the company follows for application development has received quite a response among the tech-savvy crowd. They fund and develop good ideas and at the same time pay the idea giver if they see success.

Incidentally the co-founder of this initiative Matthew Deiters According to the statement, after spending a lot of time building a famous developer team, they realized that usually everyone is interested in working on side projects. So the plan is to bring all the developers and designers who spend time doing their own work on the same project.Assembly's unique initiative is accepted.

Here are some ideas about their working methods:

  • People share their best and most amazing ideas through online hubs. The company's designers and developers monitor and rate those ideas. The idea that receives the highest rating and gets the green signal goes into production. But it is good to say that the ideas that are accepted must be related to application development.
  • Later that idea is fully converted into an application and released into the market. When the app starts making profit, the profit is shared between the person who developed the app and the person who came up with the idea.
  • The best offer is – if your idea gets selected and it gets built, you get 5% of the profits from that application for life.

So why late? Share all your great and brilliant ideas'Assembly' with and become the best idea generator. At this point it is clear that this offer is unique in the technology world and its success will reach high peaks very soon.

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Source: TheTechJournal

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৬, ২০১৩ 11:14 am

Mahmudur Rahman

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