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An American man recovered the bike that was stolen 45 years ago

The Dhaka Times Desk Think about it, you lose a valuable thing after a year or two, you will give up hope of the thing, but this time a rare event happened in America.


Los Angeles State Customs officials have returned the Triumph Tiger t100 model bike that was lost 45 years ago to a motorcycle owner. According to the custom office, this bike of Triumph Tiger t100 model was stolen on February 4 or 5, 1967.

After the Tiger t100 model motorcycle was stolen 45 years ago, its owner wrote a diary describing one of them. At that time, this bike was worth about $300. It was black and blue in color, but after it was stolen, it was slightly modified and it is Smuggled to Yokohama, Japan. However, the customs authorities seized it without obtaining any valid documents and it was kept in customs custody for a long time. However, as the history of this bike happened, the Los Angeles Custom Police took the initiative to return it to its rightful owner.

Interestingly, although the owner is happy to get the bike back, he is no longer old enough to ride it half a century ago, he is now 72 years old.


Custom Director of Field Operations Officer Todd C. Owen said, 'We have recently identified three such motorcycles and this one was returned to the rightful owner. Every year we impound a lot of such bikes but not all bike stories are so extraordinary.

Although this bike was worth $300 at the time of the theft, it is now valued at around $9,000! It was officially handed over to its rightful owner last Saturday.

Source: boingboing

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