The Dhaka Times Desk Generally, we think that our toilet has the most germs, but there are things around us that we use daily, but they have more germs than the toilet itself.
1. Ice: Wondering? Yes, studies have shown that the ice served in most hotel restaurants contains more bacteria than the water in our bathrooms!
2. Wash room floor:
No wonder our washroom floor has over 2 million bacteria per square inch while our toilet has 50 bacteria per square inch!
3. Office Dex:
No matter how clean an office desk is, it harbors about 400 times more bacteria than a toilet.
4. Keyboard:
do you know 200 times more germs live on your frequently used keyboard than on your toilet?
5. Mobile phone:
The surprising thing is that the closest device to us, the mobile phone, has about 10 times more bacteria than the toilet. Just think that every time you bring your mobile phone to your mouth that carries more germs than your toilet!
6. Restaurant menu book:
Did you know that the restaurant menu book that you clean your hands and order food is 100 times more bacteria-rich than the toilet of that restaurant? So clean your hands by ordering from now on.
7. Chopping board:
You have no idea how much bacteria is on your cutting board! Chopped meat harbors a lot of bacteria, so clean the board thoroughly with Vexel after each chop.
8. Tooth brush:
Did you know that your toothbrush harbors more germs than your toilet brush? Yes, so clean your toothbrush properly every time you brush from now on.
9. Carpet:
Our floor carpets are home to over 200,000 microbes that thrive on dead skin cells shed from our skin. It definitely contains more germs than the toilet.
10. Fridge:
Fridges are ideal breeding grounds for E-coli bacteria.
11. Reusable market bags:
Your reusable grocery bag contains more dirt and germs than your underwear because you clean your underwear at least once, but have you ever thought about how often you clean your grocery bag with clean water?
12. TV Remote:
The TV remote in every home is one of the dirtiest and germiest items in the house.
13. Door handle:
Count how many times a day different people are holding the door handle of your house? There are so many germs on their hands and your door handle becomes the home of all the germs.
14. Light switch:
There is nothing to say about the light switch because many germs live in this place. As it is an electrical switch, there is no question of cleaning it with water, so there are many germs in it in contact with different hands.
15. Kitchen Sink:
Daily cleaning of numerous food dishes creates harmful bacteria in the kitchen sink which is thousands of times more than your toilet.
16. Hand bag:
Think about how many places you don't store your hand bag, but how many times a month do you clean it properly? Yes, your handbag becomes a germ factory at some point.
17. Money:
Money is full of germs, it travels through the hands and pockets of all kinds of people during its life, thus harboring various germs. which we cannot see with our naked eyes.
18. Bed and pillow:
Different dead cells in our body are constantly shedding, resulting in various bacteria on your pillow and bed. Undoubtedly, these germs are much more than your toilet.
Source: List25