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See the interior of the famous submarine HMS Ocelot with Google Street View

The Dhaka Times Desk HMS Ocelot The famous submarine is the last Oberon-class submarine built for the Royal Navy. Google Street View Let's take a look inside this famous submarine.


HMS Ocelot submarine is currently at Chatham Dockyard and is the first submarine to be added to Google Street View. You can see everything inside this submarine from all angles with Google Street View.

This submarine makes very little noise while moving, so it was used in various covert intelligence missions. It is 17 per hour knots That means it can go underwater at 20 miles per hour. It served the Royal Navy for 27 consecutive years. The submarine was sold in 1992 and is currently on display at the Chatham Dockyard Museum for visitors to see.


Anyway, if you can see directly on Google Street View, the control room, captain's room, torpedo tube, engine room of this 50-year-old Oberon-class submarine, including all parts of the submarine!

HMS Ocelot submarine seen on Google Street View

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Let's take a look at some pictures of the HMS Ocelot submarine seen on Google Street View in the picture:

এটি ক্যাপ্টেনের কেবিন রুম।
This is the captain's cabin room.
HMS Ocelot সাবমেরিনের কন্ট্রোল রুমের এক অংশ।
A section of the control room of the submarine HMS Ocelot.
HMS Ocelot সাবমেরিনের কন্ট্রোল রুমের আরেকটি অংশ।
Another part of the control room of the HMS Ocelot submarine.
এটি হচ্ছে HMS Ocelot এর সোনার রুম।
This is HMS Ocelot's gold room.
HMS Ocelot এর ইস্টিয়ারিং অংশ।
Steering part of HMS Ocelot.

Source: The TechJournal

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