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Now the iPad Air exploded!

The Dhaka Times Desk The Apple company has a reputation for providing quality products outside of America. But the recent explosion of Apple's iPad Air at a Vodafone store in Australia has once again proved that "accidents are no accident". Earlier, there was an iPhone 4 explosion on a flight to Australia.


The explosion occurred after the iPad Air was overcharged at a Vodafone store. Meanwhile, the new iPad Air has been selling like hotcakes ever since its launch. Analysts fear that the impact will fall on the market after the explosion.

The eyewitness said, "Before the explosion, smoke was coming out of the charging port of the iPad Air, then it suddenly boomed and exploded." However, no one was injured in this incident. However, the Vodafone store was closed immediately after the blast, and the fire brigade rushed to evacuate people from the entire place to safety.

Although Apple has not released an official statement about the incident, an Apple representative arrived and took the exploded device to their lab for observation.

However, it is believed that Apple's iPad Air was being charged with a different charger, which caused the explosion.

Reference: TheTechJournal

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