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Bikash can be closed after Easy Cash?

The Dhaka Times Desk After canceling the license of Prime Bank's Mobile Banking Easy Cash, there are reports that the development license may be cancelled.

Bangladesh Bank & Bkash

Recently Prime Bank's Mobile Banking Easy Cash license was cancelled. The development of BRAC's mobile banking service is under threat of license cancellation. It is known that Bangladesh Bank itself is uncomfortable with the development.


It is believed that after the cancellation of the license of the private Prime Bank's mobile banking service Easy Cash, the fate of Bikash can be decided in the same way. There is currently a lot of uneasiness going on within the development regarding this matter. Development officials are also concerned.

However, a source said, Bangladesh Bank may grant license to Bikash for agent banking by canceling mobile banking service license. Bangladesh Bank is now thinking about such a decision. It is expected to be resolved soon. However, the BRAC authority has to apply for the facility of agent banking.

According to the media, in April this year, Bangladesh Bank called a high-level meeting to decide the fate of the development. However, the meeting was later postponed. The reason for the suspension is not clear to anyone.

When an official of Bangladesh Bank asked about this matter, he said that the meeting called for development was postponed due to busyness.

An official of Bangladesh Bank said that the meeting was originally called to decide whether Bikash will remain a subsidiary or BRAC will remain as a service of the bank. The official said, we want to bring everyone under the same facility.

According to the policy of PSO, only those banks and financial institutions which deposit cash in Bangladesh Bank can get this license. However, despite not being a bank or financial institution, Bikash got a license.

An official of Bangladesh Bank said that we are very uncomfortable with the development. Only time will tell what the fortunes of Bikash have in store after Easy Cash.
