The Dhaka Times
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The Finance Minister recommended charging a minimum fee of Tk 20 crore to enter Indian TV channels

The Dhaka Times Desk Finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhith recommended charging a minimum fee of Tk 20 crore to enter Indian TV channels. Recently, he made this recommendation in a letter sent from the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Information, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Telecommunication and Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission.


In that letter, Finance Minister Abul Mal Abdul Muhith made two proposals for controlling Indian channels in Bangladesh. One of the recommendations is to charge a minimum fee of Rs 20 crore for access to Indian channels in Bangladesh. The other is to take measures to have Indian TV channels after the 40 channels broadcast in Bangladesh.

Indian TV channels

In the letter, the finance minister also said that Indian television can be seen free of charge in Bangladesh. However, none of the television programs of Bangladesh can be seen in India. He mentioned that no positive result was obtained even after discussions with India at various levels in this regard.

In the letter, the finance minister said, 'India has said that they have nothing to do in this regard. Since the right to show cable TV is only in the private sector.' The Finance Minister felt that action should also be taken to ensure that Indian TV channels are not viewed first in order.

When asked about the finance minister's recommendation, Anwar Parvez, President of Cable Operators Owners' Association (QUAB), told the media, 'Our country's channels are not watched in India - it is definitely a problem. But we also want, this problem should be solved. But let it be in somewhat simpler terms. The government must consider that matter.'

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