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Now the robot will say Bengali!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now the robot will speak Bengali language. Bengalis especially will be happy to hear this. Because all the robots that have been made in different countries in the world speak English.


Sadli Salahuddin and Soumin Islam, students of the third year electrical department of Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) invented this first robot in mother tongue.

This invented robot is fully capable of speaking and gesturing in Bengali. An exhibition of the robot was also held yesterday on July 9 in a very homely manner on the initiative of the university teachers. Dr. Ruet's vice-chancellor was present there among others. Mortuza Ali and teachers of various departments. This information was told by the head of the electrical department of Ruet. Rafiqul Islam Sheikh. News from Bangladesh

Md. Rafiqul Islam Sheikh said, while demonstrating the robot, the Bengali words go right, go left, stop, now let's show how it works through all these commands. Rafiqul Islam also said, if the robot can be produced commercially, it will serve as a breakthrough for the speech-impaired in Bangladesh.

Seeing the home exhibition of the robot, 'the discovery of a robot capable of working in Bengali language is really a matter of our pride' said Vice-Chancellor Dr. Ruet. Mortuza Ali.

Sadli Salahuddin, the head of the robot inventor team, said that the robot is capable of working according to any order given in Bengali. Also, special sensory systems have been added to the robot for those who are speech impaired or unable to speak. By pointing the robot it can act accordingly.

The media is also informed that the robot can be controlled from any part of the world through internet connection. The robot must first be connected with a security code through a software by accessing the Internet. After that a confirmation message from the robot is done.

Basically the controller will send live video of the robot's surroundings to the remote person every moment. And watching the videos the controller will decide what to do when. At the same time, the robot will be able to connect with satellites through Global Positioning System (GPS). As a result, the position of the robot can also be confirmed through the map.

It should be noted that although many researches have been done on robots, this is the first time in Bangladesh that such a robot will walk and speak in Bengali.

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