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Coffee reduces the risk of suicide!

The Dhaka Times Desk Suicide is a product of human psychiatry. And the research of scientists about this suicide is not over. This time they said that drinking coffee reduces the risk of suicide.


People commit suicide for various reasons. People can become suicidal due to various reasons including fear, depression, boredom, loss of interest in life. The rise in suicides in the developed world proves that people can become depressed not only because of hardship, but also because of lack of resources, and at some point, unable to bear the burden of life, they can commit suicide. The interesting thing is that no one knows whether he is actually suicidal or not.

For these depressed people, a recently published scientific paper containing data can become a good news. It has been shown that regular coffee drinking reduces the risk of suicide by half.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States said that drinking two to four cups of coffee a day is a very effective habit for adults. In the news published in the Huffington Post, scientists have been quoted as saying that drinking two to four cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of suicide by 50%.

The research paper is based on 16 years of observation of nearly two lakh participants. However, in addition to coffee, the study also considered tea, chocolate, caffeinated soft drinks. However, only coffee has been shown to reduce suicidal tendencies. However, it is also said that excessive coffee consumption can have adverse effects in other areas. Source: Medical News Today/GNews Online.

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