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Not tea or coffee - remove fatigue and restore energy to the body in a different way!

The Dhaka Times Desk Too tired? There are caffeinated drinks – tea or coffee. Most people do this. But excessive caffeine dependence is not good for all ages. Let's find out how to get rid of fatigue and increase body energy without taking caffeine.


Chewing gum:
Chewing gum not only freshens the breath but also invigorates the body. It increases heart rate which increases blood flow to the brain. After ingestion it activates the autonomic nerves and consequently the recipient becomes lively. So why late – take mint flavored or any other flavored chewing gum to forget the tiredness.


Use bright lighting decorations:
Bright light wakes up the brain. Studies have shown that red light makes people irritable and lively, while blue light returns people to a calm type of vitality. So, the advice is – use blue light bulbs as desk lamps and red light bulbs in the bedroom.


Learn something new:
A University of Michigan study found that mundane tasks such as checking mail, manual tasks, or to-do lists that employees often do do not improve employees' sense of energy. So, everyone should focus on exciting new work to get out of the boring office job.


Create a garden:
It is quite difficult and laborious work to create and maintain a garden. But if one wants to be pure and fresh, one should make a garden. A recent German study found that gardening-type hobbies make people more motivated than reading books.

Cutting the soil is particularly stimulating work and the contact of the body with the soil naturally energizes people. When one touches the ground, the positive charge flows into the body and the negative charge goes to the ground. So, why the delay? Get started today on creating a garden of serenity and freshness.

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Keep singing your favorite song:
Listening to a favorite song on the radio or singing alone is always a good way to forget fatigue and regain energy. According to a group of researchers in London - singing alone is a very stimulating activity and it can reduce the boredom of singing alone. So – upset? Feeling tired? Keep singing your favorite song, open your soul, you will see the pulse of heart energy.


Massage the ears
It may seem gross or ridiculous that massaging the ears is necessary to gain strength in the body. But the surprising thing is that applying pressure or massaging the side outside the ear can send energy to your body. The outer part of the ear is the tip of the body's acupressure point, as a result of which a light massage of 10 to 30 seconds can flow energy throughout the body.

Reference: The Huffington Post

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